Sunday, March 29, 2009

Petulu village, ubud , white heron park

Petulu White Heron Park – UbudThe welcome sign by the football field to enter Petulu village

In one of the most scenic areas on the island and directly north-east of Ubud in Central Bali is located the village of Petulu is famed for its artists, dancers and carvers of wood and stone. But that is not only what the village is renowned for. It is also a bird sanctuary and home to the famous Javan Pond Heron and Plumed Egrets. Many of you who have explored the region around Ubud will know of this beautiful, scenic and quiet area. It is the Herons coming home to roost at dusk that is spectacular and so if you can time your visit to Petulu around 5pm in the afternoon. Massive flocks of these Herons seem to light the sky pure white as they arrive and village tradition dictates that these Herons may not be disturbed during their roosting.

No one really knows why the Herons, who first began roosting there in 1966, chose Petulu as their nesting site. Ask any of the elders in the village and they will tell you that the birds are in fact reincarnations of the tens of thousands of men and women who died during the civil unrest throughout Bali in 1966. It is a well known fact that many of those Balinese who died were laid to rest near the roosting grounds.

When the birds started arriving initially, it was only previous to that an elaborate sacrificial ceremony was held for protection and blessings after thousands of communists were butchered. Interestingly, twice a year on Saniscara Kliwon Landep the residents of Petulu hold a special ceremony for the White Herons.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Desa Adat Penglipuran, unik namun tidak populer

Desa adat Penglipuran berlokasi pada kabupaten Bangli yang berjarak 45 km dari kota Denpasar, Desa adat yang juga menjadi objek wisata ini sangat mudah dilalui. Karena letaknya yang berada di Jalan Utama Kintamani – Bangli. Desa Penglipuran ini juga tampak begitu asri, keasrian ini dapat kita rasakan begitu memasuki kawasan Desa.
Pada areal Catus pata yang merupakan area batas memasuki Desa Adat Penglipuran, disana terdapat Balai Desa, fasilitas masyarakat dan ruang terbuka untuk pertamanan yang merupakan areal selamat datang.

[] Budaya - Desa Adat Penglipuran
Seorang nenek yang menjual hasil kebunnya ke pengunjung, hasil kebun ini tergantung musim dan buahnya. Jadi jangan heran setiap kali kita kesana nenek ini menjual berbagai macam aneka buah.

Desa ini merupakan salah satu kawasan pedesaan di Bali yang memiliki tatanan yang teratur dari struktur desa tradisional, perpaduan tatanan tradisional dengan banyak ruang terbuka pertamanan yang asri membuat desa ini membuat kita merasakan nuansa Bali pada dahulu kala. Penataan fisik dan struktur desa tersebut tidak lepas dari budaya yang dipegang teguh oleh masyarakat Adat Penglipuran dan budaya masyarakatnya juga sudah berlaku turun temurun.

Keunggulan dari desa adat penglipuran ini dibandingkan dengan desa-desa lainnya di Bali adalah, Bagian depan rumah serupa dan seragam dari ujung utama desa sampai bagian hilir desa. Desa tersusun sedemikian rapinya yang mana daerah utamanya terletak lebih tinggi dan semakin menurun sampai kedaerah hilir. Selain bentuk depan yang sama, adanya juga keseragaman bentuk dari bahan untuk membuat rumah tersebut. Seperti bahan tanah untuk tembok dan untuk bagian atap terbuat dari penyengker dan bambu untuk bangunan diseluruh desa.

Karena Desa Penglipuran terletak didataran yang agak tinggi, suasana terasa cukup sejuk. Selain suasana pertamanan yang asri tetapi juga sangat ramahnya penduduk desa terhadap tamu yang datang. Banyak wisatawan yang datang dapat menikmati suasana desa dan masuk kerumah mereka untuk melihat kerajinan – kerajinan yang penduduk desa buat. Sehingga untuk tinggal berlama lama disini sangatlah menyenangkan.

[] Budaya - Desa Adat Penglipuran
Suasana disore hari, setelah penduduk banyak beraktivitas bercocok tanam. mereka kumpul dan duduk-duduk didepan rumah mereka

Desa Adat Penglipuran ini termasuk desa yang banyak melakukan acara ritual, sehingga banyak sekali acara yang diadakan didesa ini seperti pemasangan dan penurunan odalan, Galungan dll. Memang Saat yang sangat tepat untuk datang kedesa ini adalah pada acara tersebut berlangsung, sehingga kita dapat melihat langsung keunikan dan kekhasan dari desa penglipuran ini. Walaupun anda tidak sempat datang pada saat acara tersebut diatas, anda dapat menikmati suasana desa pada sore hari. Karena pada saat sore umumnya penduduk desa keluar rumah setelah selesai melakukan aktifitas rutin mereka dipagi dan siang hari, merek keluar untuk berkumpul bersama sama penduduk desa yang lain dan para pria pada saat sore hari mengeluarkan ayam jago kesayangan mereka dan tidak jarang mereka melakukan tajen/adu ayam tetapi tanpa pisau dikakinya. Sambil menunggu datangnya senja anda dapat menikmati Bubur Ayam diwarung Pak Made yang sangat bersih dan murah meriah dan berbaur bersama penduduk desa adat penglipuran merupakan pengalaman yang tidak akan saya lupakan.

sumber :


Creating and enhancing an explosion

Hey everyone, in this tutorial we will be trying to teach you how to create and enhance a massive explosion in a wallpaper, signature or whatever else you’re making. The tutorial is divided into a few sections,
  • Creating and enhancing the Explosion
  • Adding Lighting into the canvas
  • Fixing / Removing errors or bad looking sections

We will start with a Resistance 2 wallpaper found on Gamewallpapers. I’ve added a few animated .GIF files to illustrate some steps.

The outcome of this tutorial:

Photoshop Explosion Tutorial result

This is the wallpaper (resized to 65%) that we will be starting with. Notice how this wallpaper already has a bright light source:

start with a wallpaper

Creating and enhancing an explosion:

1. First, select your brush tool, and grab a soft brush. We’re going to use the orange color #F67228 to create the base of the explosion.

Pick a soft brush

2. Start brushing all around the area where you would like the explosion to happen. This looks best when it’s around a bright light source. Don’t worry if you brush over any of the characters on the foreground or other details, we will repair this later.

Dark orange brushing

3. Create a new Layer. Grab a lighter orange color, we used #FFC06E, to brush inside of the base explosion we’ve created in step 2. Make sure you brushing makes sense, brush outwards into the direction of the explosion.

Lighter orange brushing

4. Create another new layer. Now use a white brush with a smaller size to brush near the core of your explosion. Once again, brush outwards out of the explosion:

white brushing

5. create a new layer, grab a darker color orange, and brush a little at the end of the flames. The color we’ve used was #DE5B1F”

dark orange brushing

More dark orange brushing

6. We’re going to blend these flames into eachother using the smudge tool and a chalk brush. I’ve used the default Photoshop brush set, so you should normallyhave these Chalk brushes. Select the Smudge Tool:

Select the smudge tool

Then click onto the brushes, and select a Chalk Brush (or atleast I believe it’s a chalk brush):

pick a chalk brush

7. Create a new layer, and Apply the image (Image > Apply Image). Now, start smudging the canvas to create an exploding effect. Try using the directions of an explosion like I’ve done:

smudge directions

Our result of the smudging (don’t worry if you still see all of the brushing at this point, we’re going to fix this in the following steps):

Smudging the explosion

8. Now grab the Clone Stamp Tool,

Clone stamp tool

and hold ALT to define a source point. Select a point in the center if your lightsource with some detail:

clone stamp tool alt click

9. Now start tapping a few times on top of the flames. Define a new source point every so often to create some different detail:

start brushing with the clone stamp tool

The outcome of our clone stamp tooling at this point:

Clone stamp tool

10. Grab the Smudge tool again with the same Chalk brush, and start smudging into the flames:

Select the smudge tool

our outcome:

Smudge clone stamp tool

11. Now, make a new layer, and apply the image (Image > Apply Image). Set this layers blending mode to Multiply, and reduce the opacity to reduce its strength slightly. We’ve set it to 54%:

Outcome of setting the layer to multiply:

12. We’re going to use Layer Masks to only show a small section of the Multiply layer (If you want a more detailed explanation on layer masks, check out this tutorial). While you have the multiply layer selected, go to Layer > Layer Mask > and select Hide All.

13. Click on th elayer mask in your layer panel, and use a white brush to brush slightly into the explosion. This will reveal the layer we’ve just hidden:

Shown below is the selection of the parts where we’ve brushed to enhance the explosions color:

14. We’re going to fix the section inside the explosion which looks kind of odd at this point. Smudging this a little will fix this. Here’s an animation to illustrate what we’ve changed:

15. Time to fix the characters on the foreground that we’ve brushed over. Duplicate the original image ( Right Click > Duplicate Layer) and move this on top:

16. Now create another layer mask like we did in step 12, and hide everything. Then with a small white brush, brush into the section that you would like to repair. Below is an image showing the selection of the area that we fixed:

layer mask brushing

Result of the characters on the foreground fixed:

fixing the characters

Adding Lighting

17. We will be adding extra lighting to enhance the realistic feel. Zoom in, and grab a small white brush. Brush slightly across the edges of our characters where lighting would seem logical:

adding lighting

18. Now set this layers blending mode to Soft Light or Overlay depending on how strong you want the lighting to be. Reduce the opacity a little if it looks too strong. We’ve kept the opacity at 100% and used blending mode Overlay:

changing the blending mode

19. We’re going to blur the outlines of the explosion. Create a new layer, and apply the image (Image > Apply Image) and go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur, and set the angle to 0. Set the distance to about 15 to 25. Our settings:

motion blur

Result of this motion blur:

result explosion

20. Now add a layer mask (Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All), and brush a little around the edges of our flames to unhide some of the blurred parts.

layer mask the explosion

The result of our motion blur layer:

result of the blurring

21. Grab a large brush, and brush with a dark color around our focal point. This is to add some extra lighting around the explosion:

brush with a dark color

22. Set this layers Opacity to about 30%, our result after fixing the lighting:

reduce the opacity

Fixing / Removing details

We’re going to remove the character near the explosion, because it just doesn’t make sense for him to be there. Here’s an animation to illustrate what we’re going to do be doing in the following steps:

removing a character

23. Zoom into the canvas, and hold alt to define a point. Then, start brushing over the character:

Clone Stamp Tool

Keep brushing and defining new areas to brush trough.

Removing the Character

After removing the character from the canvas, it looks kind of odd.

Character Removed

24. Brush a little on top of the fire and in the air, and smudge it slightly to fix the background:

Fixing the background

Finnishing Touches

25. We’re going to add the final finnishing touches. Brush over areas with a soft white brush, and set its blending mode to Overlay. You can reduce the opacity a little if it appears too strong.

Brushing with White

The result after changing the blending mode an opacity:

Adding Lighting

26. Apply the image on a new layer, and sharpen either with the sharpen tool, or Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen. This gives us our final result:

Photoshop Explosion Tutorial result

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial. !
