Friday, May 15, 2009

Hati-Hati ma Roti Boy Tiara Dewata

Pada Tau Roti Boy kan itu tu roti yang asalnya dari Malingsia itu...

Punya Pengalaman Buruk nih waktu pas tanggal 1 may kemaren gw beli roti itu di tiara dewata. gw emang ga pernah beli sebelumnya coz biasanya gw ditraktir ma sodara ato temen2 gw.

nah kebetulan gw lagi blanja di sana sore2. Gw nyium aroma khasnya si roti boy itu...
Gw langsung kepikiran buat beli roti itu buat bokap ma Deni.
langsung aja gw samperin tu roti boy trus tanya ma kasirnya, "berapaan satu mbak?". si kasir langsung jawab "13.500". Busyet dah, mahal amat ya untuk ukuran roti kayak begini aja. ya udah deh sekali-sekali ini. "kasih 2 mbak" kata gw.
trus gw kasih si embak kasir itu duit 50.000-an dan dia kembaliin 23.000. Nah yang gw heran nih, Disebelah gw waktu itu ada ibu-ibu juga dia bilang ma si embak, "satu mbak" trus dia kasih uang 10.000-an ke mbak-embak kasir itu. dan si embak itu ngembaliin duit ibu itu 3.500. Waduh kok bisa gitu ya pikir gw, Tapi berhubung gw emang ga tau kalo roti boy itu cuman ada satu jenis dan satu ukuran, gw positif thingking aja kali aja emang tu ibu beli roti yang kecil.

Nah yang Bikin gw merasa tertipu ma si roti boy itu pas kemaren tanggal 12 may gw pulang jemput kakak gw dari bandara dan dy ajak gw beli roti boy. dy pergi sendiri kesana. trus dateng- dateng bawa 4 bungkus roti boy. trus gw tanya"banyak banget belinya mbak?, berapaan mbak satu?" "6500". "Lho aku kok beli waktu itu 13.500 satu?". kok bisa?kan rotiboy cuman satu rasa satu ukuran pula."


pengen Rasanya Gw bakar tu Stand. Bisa-bisanya mereka curang gitu... ga tau itu permainan kasirnya apa emang roti boy menganut paham maling dari negara asalnya.
Gw bener-bener merasa dirugikan... Buat para blogger hati-hati aja kalo blanja di Roti boy Tiara Dewata...


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sephia Effect with adobe photoshop

Ada kalanya kita ingin membuat nuansa jadul alias jaman dulu di photo kita, nah sekarang saya akan memberi tips simple cara membuat effect sephia yang memberi nuansa oldiest pada photo.


1. Buka Program Photoshop
2. Buka File-open,

3. pada window Layer, double click image yang masih berupa background, jadikan layer, ok
4. Pada blending option, pilih colour overlay, pada warna di colour overlay buat warna #DC8631
5. Pada Blend Mode Pilih Soft Light

6. JAdi deh


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cross-Stitch Effect

1. buka file gambar

2. cari Filter>Texture>Patchwork

3. Isi kan angka 5 pada Square Size
dan 6 pada Relief.

selesai, gampang kan



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Thursday, April 16, 2009

E-Book Gratisan

ini adalah kumpulan ebook koleksi saya kalo bisa gratisan ga perlu bayar kan kan untuk dapetin ebook-ebook berkwalitas milik saya... hehe selamat mendownload
10-cara-cepat menghasilkan uang lewat internet

cape deh... kapan2 saya kasih lagi ya
jadi sering2 mampir dong....


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Patchwork Grids Efek

1. Buka Photoshop Program. Buka File gambar yang akan diberi efek patchwork grid.

2. buat layer baru di layer palette and warnai dengan warna putih di seluruh tampilan layer. PAstikan layer tetap terseleksi.

3. Cari di Filter > Texture > Patchwork
Square Size - 1 Relief - 0

4. Rubah blending mode pada layer ke mode Color Burn dengan opacity 70%

selamat mencoba


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Petulu village, ubud , white heron park

Petulu White Heron Park – UbudThe welcome sign by the football field to enter Petulu village

In one of the most scenic areas on the island and directly north-east of Ubud in Central Bali is located the village of Petulu is famed for its artists, dancers and carvers of wood and stone. But that is not only what the village is renowned for. It is also a bird sanctuary and home to the famous Javan Pond Heron and Plumed Egrets. Many of you who have explored the region around Ubud will know of this beautiful, scenic and quiet area. It is the Herons coming home to roost at dusk that is spectacular and so if you can time your visit to Petulu around 5pm in the afternoon. Massive flocks of these Herons seem to light the sky pure white as they arrive and village tradition dictates that these Herons may not be disturbed during their roosting.

No one really knows why the Herons, who first began roosting there in 1966, chose Petulu as their nesting site. Ask any of the elders in the village and they will tell you that the birds are in fact reincarnations of the tens of thousands of men and women who died during the civil unrest throughout Bali in 1966. It is a well known fact that many of those Balinese who died were laid to rest near the roosting grounds.

When the birds started arriving initially, it was only previous to that an elaborate sacrificial ceremony was held for protection and blessings after thousands of communists were butchered. Interestingly, twice a year on Saniscara Kliwon Landep the residents of Petulu hold a special ceremony for the White Herons.

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